You know what causes us a lot of stress in life? Not being flexible. If we are to live balanced & focused lives, we must learn how to remain flexible when facing difficulties.
As much as we plan in life, we cannot plan everything. Unexpected situations will always come our way, it’s apart of life. It may be as small as oversleeping, or it could be as big as facing a life-threatening illness.
Life is unpredictable.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
– Matthew 6:34
No matter our lot in life, our education, or our income, we are not exempt from facing difficulties. This is what unites us all- troubles. No one is exempt from trials and tribulations. Actually, Jesus tells us to expect troubles, but to be encouraged because He has overcome the world (John 16:33).
We must expect difficulties in life and not always be thrown off by them.
As we accept the fact that life will inevitably bring difficulties, we are in a better position to overcome them. It’s not about the issue as we can’t always control the issues that we’ll face. We can, however, determine how we’ll respond to them when they do come.
Remaining Flexible When Facing Difficulties: 3 Tips
1. Tell yourself that life is not perfect. We must also remind ourselves that no one in life is perfect. This will enable us to graciously and patiently respond to the difficulties that we’ll face in life and in relationships.
2. Focus on fixing. Our lives are in constant need of repair. God is always working on us so we must have a mind to work. We must know that difficulties will arise and that we must be prepared to do what we can to fix them. [Note: We can’t fix everything. We must rely on God to know when to fix or when to trust Him with the issue.]
3. Keep your focus. So often, I find that issues will try to distract me from my greater mission in life. We can’t allow the issues of life to zap all of our time and energy. If we aren’t led by the Holy Spirit, we’ll give more energy to issues that aren’t deserving of our attention. We must remain led by the Lord so we can address the issue but keep our focus where it needs to be.
We all have issues to deal with- that’s life. The key, however, is to learn how to remain flexible when facing difficulties and not allow the issues of life to distract & detour us.
With love,

Read 3 Dangers of a Critical Attitude
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Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
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