
MARRIAGE: Marriage is a Priority

If we are contemplating marriage then one thing we must wrap our minds around is the fact that marriage is a priority.  This can be a difficult part of the process of marriage, as other priorities must shift. 

Marrying someone means that you are becoming one with them.  This means that we should always consider our mates and how our decisions will impact them.  There is no other relationship that requires us to become one with someone.  

The Bible clearly tells us that we become one with our partner:

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”  – Genesis 2:24

Keywords: leave, unitedone.  We have to leave our family, unite with our partner, and then become one with them.  The uniting and becoming of one is a process, but it is something that we must understand and acknowledge before entering into a marriage.

Before marriage, we unite with many other things.  Friends, children, jobs, money, and the list goes on and on.  But if we are to enter into a healthy marriage we must be able to separate ourselves, make adjustments, and say: “My husband must now come first.” or “My wife must now come first.”  This is a bold statement and not everyone will understand it because most don’t realize how much of a priority marriage is.

I know I’m not married just yet, so there’s a lot that I don’t know, but I do believe that if people put their spouses first then there would be many less marital issues and divorces.  

Marriage is a Priority: Tips to Consider

We should put our partner’s feelings above the feelings of others.  It’s out of order to put someone else’s preferences above the preferences of our spouse.  We have to be bold enough to take a stand for our marriage.  

If we dont, who will??

I’m not saying it will be easy, but I believe that if we stand for what’s right then we will reap the benefits.  We may not know everything, or even how to handle every situation, but thats when we can turn to the Bible.

Be wise when discussing your marital issues outside of your marriage.  Let the Lord lead you when seeking marriage counsel.  Marriage is a big deal and if we want to succeed we must first realize that marriage is a priority.

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