I’ve been married for 4 months & 4 days today. How would I describe it? Blessed, challenging & rewarding.
I am so thankful to God for my husband, our marriage, and our family. The only reason that I’m married is because of Jesus. I didn’t grow up valuing marriage; I never even thought about marriage as a young girl. As I grew into a young woman I was semi-open to it but I was still skeptical. I would think thoughts such as: “There’s no way that people are going to be with one person for their entire lives“.
That’s how I thought, but then I met Jesus. He began to mature me in so many ways and then all of a sudden my attitude toward marriage began to change. I began to want to be a wife! Jesus continued developing me, I kept my faith in Him for my husband and He blessed me with him! God is so good to me and so faithful. I know God blessed me with my husband. No doubt about it.
Oh my goodness! Marriage is not always easy. It can be challenging at times, and I know that our marriage will not be successful without God. Can you imagine two people with two perspectives, two personalities, two desires merging together without any help?
My husband and I are both very strong (and can be stubborn) so the Bible is key in our marriage. It’s our foundation. Marriage challenges you. Most often, marriage partners are different in so many ways so they are able to keep each other sharp. This doesn’t always feel good. Think about it: Where you are weak your partner will be strong, so it takes humility to be helped and challenged to do better.
The challenges don’t come close to the rewards. Marriage is of God so He blesses marriages. There are so many benefits that I receive now that I never enjoyed when I was a single woman.
Your mate should be your best friend so being married gives you someone that you can always rely on. Marriage is safe, secure, and stable. It’s also a blessing for children. They receive the strength and protection of a father, and the love and sensitivity of a mother. For me, as I was a single parent for so long, it’s rewarding to not have to do everything.
Marriage is not always easy, and in today’s society it’s not always celebrated and respected. As for me, I enjoy it and I feel blessed to be married.
All I can say is thank You, Jesus. You got us through 4 months & 4 days of marriage. To God alone be the glory!

Read MARRIAGE: What I’ve Learned in 4 Years + 1 Day