If we are going to enjoy life, we must learn how to live with problems. What I’m learning is that no matter the stage or season of life you’re in, you will have problems. This acknowledgement humbles me, because I’ve spent a lot of time trying to exempt myself from problems. I’m sure you can relate.
Think of the effort we put into planning and picturing. We plan and picture the way we want life to go, and then when it doesn’t go as planned, we’re stressed.
How do you typically respond to problems?
I believe we all have tendencies. We have natural ways of responding when things don’t go our way. Many of our reactions are unhealthy, displaying our immature thinking and juvenile ways.
The key is to grow to responding to problems- not reacting. We want to maturely respond to life’s problems. Again, we must realize that no matter the season, we will have problems. Life is not perfect. Nothing here is perfect, so we can conclude that our days and our lives will not be perfect.
Logically, we may get this, but we must process and accept it spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. We must literally mediate on this truth. As we do, we position ourselves to handle our challenges in a positive way. Consider the words of Jesus in John 16:33.
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Jesus tells us that in this world, we will have trouble. Troubles will come in various forms, yet, our response should be the same. We must remain in good cheer. How is this possible? Because the One who walks with us, has overcome the world.
This truth helps us to keep our problems in perspective.
Our problems try to appear bigger than they are. They magnify themselves to us, yet, we must magnify the Lord! Though whispers of doubt and defeat attempt to intimidate us, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord. We must speak God’s truth over our problems!
Now, we don’t want to deny or avoid our problems. We do acknowledge them, but we keep them in perspective, and we don’t allow them to exalt themselves over our God.
A key to learning how to live with problems is learning how to trust God.
If there were no problems in life there would be no need for faith, trust, or prayer. These keys are essential to living victoriously in this life. There will come a time when there won’t be a need for any of those things. We will be in His presence, where there will be no more crying, no more dying, no more tears.
Until then, however, we must consider our problems as an opportunity to lift up our Lord.
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”
– John 12:32
Our problems provide a perfect opportunity to proclaim the realness of our God. It’s easy to speak of God’s goodness in the good times, but can we be like Job, when we seem to be losing it all and say:
“The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
– Job 1:21
Again, life is seasonal. No matter the season that you find yourself in today, I pray that you will learn how to praise Him and proclaim His goodness to those that you contact. For He is good and His mercy endureth forever.
As we trust Him and keep our problems in perspective, He has a way of allowing us to see the many ways that our challenges are blessing us. For we know that He works all things for good for those that love him and have been called according to His purpose [Romans 8:28].