Courage precedes speaking. You have to be free in order to speak. Are you free to speak?
Do you speak your truth? Are you free to speak without adjusting your words to fit the audience? Or, do you adapt your words based on who you’re speaking with? Do you flat out lie in order to be accepted?
These are questions we should all face, as our freedom lies in our ability to speak. In this post, I discuss how my freedom was in my speaking. We know we’re free when we’re able to talk about it. When we hide, lie, fake and pretend, we’re still bound.
When we are free, we are bold.
Are you free to speak? 5 Tips.
1. Assess your heart. What’s in your heart? How do you feel? Being honest about the issues of your heart is key. The issues of life flow from our heart (Proverbs 4:23).
2. What’s your message? Why are you speaking? What’s your focus? Once you know this, stick with it and don’t sway due to outside pressures.
3. Who are you? What makes you, you? Don’t shy from details that may seem unpleasant. People need to hear those things that have made you the person that you are today.
4. Seek peace. Before you can share yourself with others, you must first come to a place of peace with everything in your story. Don’t avoid any issues, deal with them and come to a place of peace with everything.
5. Be bold. Be strong in the Lord and share what He’s put in your heart to share! The environment may not always appear to be inviting, but you must be bold and follow through with the message that God has put within you. Be bold and speak!
I’m finding that as the Lord is ushering me into my season of speaking that it’s imperative that I stick with the message. The message is Christ.
Only in Christ can we find complete freedom. I’m simply sharing with others what Christ has done for me.