At some point or another we’ve all had an unhealthy heart. Whether it was unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, or some other heart issue.
Our life is a reflection of our heart, so it is very important that we deal with the root issues that may be affecting our hearts. Sometimes we don’t realize the long reach that they have. An unhealthy heart will prevent us from having healthy, strong relationships.
It is imperative for us to deal with the issues of our heart.
7 symptoms of an unhealthy heart:
- Competing with others, not just living your life and doing what you feel is best for you.
- Being overly concerned with the appearance of things.
- Being a people pleaser, working very hard to please others, even when it makes you unhappy.
- Excessively wanting attention, doing things or saying things just to get the attention of others.
- Getting connected to people that are obviously no good for you.
- Feelings of not being worthy or acceptable, lacking confidence.
- Use of illegal drugs and stimulants to escape reality.
I’m no expert but I am human and I’ve personally dealt with my own set of heart issues. I’ve also been making some observations of others who are ignoring their heart issues, although the symptoms of the issues are obvious.
Take a minute to look within to see if you may have some unresolved heart issues. When you uncover them, don’t feel bad, just deal with them. We all have issues.
If not dealt with, they will stay there and continue to affect your entire life.
Let me close with this:
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” – Proverbs 4:23
Everything happening in our lives can be traced back to our hearts. I encourage you to spend some time today evaluating the condition of your heart.
With Love,

Check out BREAK FREE & LIVE! as it will further open your eyes to the issues within your heart. Enough is enough. Now is your time to live.