Today I received my bachelor’s degree in communications with honors- cum laude. Yesterday I was honored as the outstanding graduate from the communications department. Last Friday I married my best friend. And last month I birthed my second daughter.
I say all that not too brag on myself, but to brag on my God. He is so good to me and anything is possible with Him. I mean anything.
Sometimes we go through seasons when it seems that nothing goes right, but we have to keep going. I’ve admitted that to all of my readers. I’ve never claimed to have a perfect life, but I must stay honest and admit that right now in my life so many things are going right.
I feel like the past few years I’ve been sowing and working, and now I’m blessed to be reaping the benefits of hard work. I’ve gone through so much so I’m not overly proud, I’m humbled. Honestly, it feels surreal. Thursday I even called the registrar just to make sure that I was certified to graduate. I mean, could it be? Me a college graudate?
Yes, I’m a college graduate. I’m also a newlywed and a new mommy. Now, I just want to sleep. For a few months. 🙂
You may ask: What’s next? Well, I received some wonderful advice tonight:
Enjoy the moment and don’t rush to the next thing.
I don’t want to dive into new goals right now. I want my next move to be my best move so my top priority is to get with the Lord and go where He shall lead me.
Stay Tuned,

Read College is not easy: It requires sacrifice