The words we speak play such a huge role in our lives. We must speak words of life over our lives. I’m currently reading “I Declare” by Joel Osteen and it addresses how our words affect our lives. He states that by the words we speak, we are actually prophesying our future.
In other words, you are creating your future by the words you are speaking today. You are bringing either good things or bad things to you by what you say.
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21
Are you speaking life and goodness over yourself or are you speaking death and negativity? Think about it. What are you saying about your life and your future? What are you saying about yourself?
How do you label yourself? Your kids? We mustn’t identify with our sin or our wrong actions. Instead, we should specifically address those wrongs but understand that our identity is in Christ.
No matter what Maraya does I do not label her as ‘bad’ or ‘irresponsible’. I speak to the act or the thing she did. I may say “that was irresponsible” or “you could have made a better decision”, but I do not label her as irresponsible or a failure.
Labeling ourselves will also help us in making decisions. If we have a clear idea in our head of what we ARE then it’s easier to reject things that we are NOT. We can stand firm for the right thing if we have reminded ourselves that we do actually stand for good things!
So, stop saying you’re tired and say you can do it if you put your mind to it. Stop saying you’re fat and say I’m a little overweight but I can work hard and lose this weight. Don’t say you’re stupid, say you are able to be taught anything. You are not a failure. Say you’ve made some mistakes, but you are learning to do better.
Stop cursing yourself. Be positive and good toward yourself. Your future is being shaped by the words you’re speaking.
What do you need to start speaking differently? What are you and what are you NOT? Think about it. Write it out. Speak it out. Speak words of life over your life. Your future depends on it.
With love,

Read Stay Focused