Do you realize the many benefits that come along with being a child of God? First off, as we place our faith in Christ, we are saved from the penalty of sin. As we experience freedom in Christ while living, we are saved from the power of sin. Lastly, when Christ comes back to gather His own, we will be free from the presence of sin. Though we are indeed free from the power of sin, as children of God, we will still find ourselves fighting to do right. Thankfully, we have a continual convictor of the soul through the Holy Spirit of God.
Do you realize that you are in need of a continual convictor?
The more aware we become of God’s holiness and our sinfulness, the more aware we become of how much we truly need Him. Truly, we are in desperate need of help.
Think about your kids. How far would they get in their day without the guidance of parents? Brushing teeth, getting dressed, and preparing breakfast would all pose as opportunities for great disaster. Some, depending on age, can’t even put their shoes on the right feet without guidance!
We are no different. We are in continual need of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Think about your morning tasks, like the way you say good morning to your spouse. Do you even say good morning? How’s your tone, your demeanor, your energy? How is it when you are relying on your own strength, as opposed to when you are relying on God’s Holy Spirit for guidance?
Exactly. We are no different than our kids. WE are in continual need of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We so desperately need the conviction of the Holy Spirit to help us to do the right things- the right way.
Today, I encourage you to not despise the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but rather invite it. Accept His instruction. Realize that we need a continual convictor of the soul. Consider how your shortcomings make others feel, and use it as motivation to do better. Consider the impact and influence that you have on others. Consider the privileges that He’s given you.
To whom much is given, much is required.
Accept the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Receive His guidance. Submit to His way. Know that His way is much better than our way. He knows best.
With love,

Read Obedience Brings Blessings