Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break from the day. Some days are easy and smooth, yet others require so much more from us.
So much goes on within a day- various decisions, roles, and daily responsibilities can take us on an emotional rollercoaster. Our days can get demanding with so much to get done.
Some days make us cry, some days make us scream, and some days make us want to quit. We can’t give in though, we must press on.
How do we do this?
Take a break! Here are 10 Tips:
1. Stop and enjoy ice cream. No rush. Take a break. Enjoy.
2. Pray. Talk with God. Ask for strength. Fully express yourself to Him.
3. Dive in a book. Even a few pages can make a big difference. Read something that will lift your mood.
4. Drop by your favorite place. A park, store, restaurant, really anywhere that gives you a good feeling.
5. Call someone. Good conversation is good for all of us!
6. Music. Listen to your favorite song.
7. Take a nap. Naps can refresh and reenergize us. Rest is good and sometimes it’s all we need.
8. Write. Clear your head, get your feelings out of you and on paper. Writing is a great release.
9. Plan. A little planning goes a long way. Maybe you’re stressed due to a lack of planning. Planning allows for more balanced, enjoyable days.
10. Relax. Right where you are take a moment to simply relax. Close your eyes, get some fresh air, do nothing for just a few minutes. Simply relax and take in the moment.
I hope this helps! Let me know of anything else that you do when you need to take a break from the day!
With love,

Read: This Week I’ve Been In Tune With My World.