“For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver.” – Psalm 66:10
As I read this scripture, there are 2 points that jump out at me.
- God does test us.
- Tests refine us.
The keyword for me in this scripture is refined. It caught my attention and I knew that I needed to get a full, clear understanding of the word refined.
According to Merriam Webster, refined means to be free from impurities.
Reading this made me smile and definitely gave me more appreciation for Psalm 66:10.
Then, I looked up synonyms of the word refined. They are: cultivated, polished, civilized, elegant.
That made me say WOW. I was encouraged and immedidately had a perspective shift in regards to the tests that I have personally been facing. I smiled, thinking to myself: “I’m getting polished- becoming more elegant.” 🙂
Life itself is a test, and as long as we’re alive we will be tested. Hopefully, this scripture will help you face and pass your tests while telling yourself:
“I’m getting refined, polished, and will be more elegant.”
With Love,

Click here to read about one of the toughest tests I’ve ever faced.