Living a well-lived life requires us to get beyond the surface. This is often our challenge, because we are constantly bombarded. We’re bombarded with things to do, situations to tend to, issues to resolve. In the midst of these realities, we must be intentional to get to the root of the matter and pinpoint the issue.
When we pinpoint the issue, we begin to really address things. Without getting to the real issue, we will find ourselves constantly frustrated and overwhelmed, without making any real progress in life. This is when we find ourselves in a state of blame.
When we blame others and situations for our state in life, we miss getting to the root of the matter.
Though there will always be variables outside of our control, I am finding that in order to pinpoint the issue, I must assess the state of my heart. This assessment puts me in a position to see my growth opportunities. Then, I am in a much better position to more clearly assess the full situation.
Life is full of problems, issues, tests, and trials. We are constantly facing something, and these various trials help us to grow. God knows what we need, and He sovereignly orchestrates situations in our life in order for us to turn to Him. Though we are easily distracted by the cares of the world, God is always concerned with our walk. He cares about the state of our heart and how we are relating to Him and those around us.
Instead of solely focusing on the issues that we face, we must turn to God and allow Him to pinpoint the real issue for us, so we can shift our attention to what really matters.
I’m finding that it is so easy to attempt to assume the position of control in our lives, which causes stress. Instead, we must always remember who is really in control. God. This understanding will allow us to release our stresses and trust Him with whatever we face, instead of carrying and worrying about issues that we cannot control.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”
– I John 2:15-17
This is a reminder of what is truly important- doing the will of God. So, as you pinpoint the root of the issues that you face, ask yourself these questions: Am I doing the will of God? Am I obeying His Word? Am I walking like Christ?
We’ll always find ourselves answering no to these questions, because none of us are perfect. The next step, however, is facing what He shows us. Not about the situations that we face, but about us. That is where we turn our attention and energies to. We must be honest about our shortcomings. This is why we pray and read and seek Him. It’s all in an effort to help us to be more like Him.
This is a humbling process, and in our own way, we all tend to avoid this process. This is the path of pain, because we come face to face with our weaknesses. If we allow Him, He will even show us how our weaknesses are playing a role in our challenging situations. We’re not merely victims. We’re also perpetrators. Only God can open our eyes to the pain that our shortcomings cause others.
He is able.
He is not only able to show us, He is able to grow us, and allow us to overcome all that opposes us in our pursuit after Him. This is the true Christian experience. Turning from sin, even the sin within us, and looking toward Him- the author and finisher of our faith.
In Jesus’ name we must pray, trust, and depend on, in order to pinpoint and overcome any issue that we face.

Read How To Encourage Yourself: 5 Tips
Latasha Spencer
Hello Margo! I just stumbled upon your website and I love it. I am just starting my blogging career so seeing your website is so inspiring! Be Blessed
Thank you, Latasha! So grateful to hear that! It is a journey so stay patient with yourself and just keeping setting small goals to keep you moving forward! Blessings to you!
– Margo