So much of our success in life depends on us simply being able to get up & show up. We think we have to know everything, but we don’t- we just need to get up & show up. We think we have to have it all together, which we never will- we just need to get up & show up. We even think we need to feel like doing the right thing which is certainly flawed thinking.
We cannot spend our entire lives following our feelings around.
We have to do what we have to do. Easy to say, I know, but this is the mentality that we need to get ahead in life. We don’t do what we feel like doing, we do what we know is best to do.
Get up & show up no matter how you feel.
I have found that when I don’t feel like it, I really need to. I’ve experienced many blessings due to pressing through in spite of various obstacles that came my way.
The key is to know what you’re supposed to be doing. If you have children then you’ve been called to parent. Regardless of how you feel, you have to get up & show up. Our kids didn’t ask to be here, we brought them here because of our decisions, so we must get up & show up- no matter how we feel. Let’s teach them and train them so they won’t have to needlessly go down the painful path that we once trodded down.
Get up & show up. Look ahead.
I’ll be honest with you, this post is a result of me pressing through. I didn’t necessarily feel like writing. Really, I felt like doing nothing, however, I know that’s not what I’m supposed to be doing. Right now, I’m doing what I’m encouraging you to do:
Get up & show up. You have work to do.
What do you need to do?
Take some time to really assess yourself, your life, your surroundings, and your mental space. Determine what is it that you need to be doing. Don’t settle and certainly don’t let your feelings determine what you do. That’s a trap.
No matter how hard it may seem, do what you have to do. Keep in mind that most of the time we make it harder than it actually is, anyway. Regardless, get & up show up. It will feel better to reap the rewards of hard work & perseverance as opposed to feeling the consequences of doing nothing.
“Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.”
– Proverbs 20:13
Look around you. If you stay the same, nothing in your life will change.
Honestly, it will probably get worse. No matter our circumstance, there is something in our life that needs changing. To say you need no change is to say that your life is perfect, and that’s a lie. No one has a perfect life.
Even if you don’t express your truth to others right now, at least get to a point of being honest with yourself.
You need a change. We all do. Get up & show up.

Read Beat the Monday Morning Blues