We always want more. We’re always searching, working, and praying for something more. We think to ourselves: If I had that then I’d be happy. The truth is: Until we learn how to be content we will never be happy.
Contentment must be learned and I’m learning that contentment is priceless. When we are content we’re peaceful, joyful, thankful, and enjoyable. When we aren’t, we’re irritable, we’re anxious, worried, and on edge. We think it’s because of a circumstance or a situation, but really it’s us- we aren’t satisfied. We’re the reason we’re not at rest. We’re discontent.
We must learn to be content.
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
– Philippians 4:11
In order to learn contentment, often we have to go without. How else can we learn to be without, without actually being without? When we don’t have those things that we think we need (and learn to be content), we learn that we really don’t need them like we thought we did.
We can be content right here right now- and thrive.
Contentment allows us to enjoy today and live in the moment, without secretly worrying about what tomorrow may bring. Contentment allows us to get on the floor and play with our children- doing whatever they want. When we are content, we spend time with those that we love. We have time for them because we’re not overly busy due to an inner discontentment with our lives.
Contentment is priceless.
The truth is, we’re all trying to get somewhere. We all have imperfections (in ourselves and our lives), but when we fully trust God we’re free to enjoy the things that He has already given us. If we really pay attention, God has already given us so much.
Are we taking care of what He’s already given us? Our families, our relationships, our very souls?
Are we content with what we already have?
I encourage you to search your heart and deal with the discontentment that you find. Discontentment will never let us rest. It will always keep us working, but I’m learning that with God you don’t have to work for everything.
“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
– Psalm 37:4-5
Be content right where you are while you trust God to lead you to the next step. It’s worth it. You have many things to enjoy right now, but you will only see them with eyes that are content.

Read 3 Dangers of a Critical Attitude