It feels good to be back from my 21 day break, though I must admit that the break felt good. We don’t realize how weighed down we are until we let some things go and clear our space.
For the past 21 days I have let go of the ‘world’ in a sense, only participating in what’s necessary: work, school, church, parenting, etc. My phone time was limited and then I completely cut out Facebook. I feel good.
I think we’d all be surprised at how much energy we give to things that truly don’t matter. Simply put: we waste a lot of time doing nothing. We can all benefit from evaluating how we are using our time.
I recently heard someone say: “We get the same amount of time in a day that Beyonce gets.” I didn’t really get this, so when they broke it down to me I had to tweak it to work for me. I then said: “We all get the same amount of time in a day that Obama gets.” Think about it. He’s running one of the most powerful countries in the world, and he still only gets 24 hours a day.
It feels good to be back and I’m looking forward to writing. Stay tuned for a post regarding our volunteering experience around the holidays. My 7 year old also wrote expressing her thoughts, and I cannot wait to share this!
It’s a New Year and I’m happy to be back. After a 21 day break, I’m eager & excited to write.