I am in love with this word- refined!
I’ve been looking into it since after writing this post, and I recently reviewed the antonyms. You have to check this out! If you haven’t already, read the post over the scripture Psalm 66:10.
That’s where it all started.
First of all, refined = Free from impurities.
Secondly, synonyms of refined = Developed, evolved, forward, higher, improved, progressive, advanced.
Thirdly, antonyms of refined = Backward, lower, nonprogressive, retarded, rude, undeveloped.
Lastly, the scripture Psalm 66:10 states: “For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver.”
This word is so powerful to me.
It is a reminder that if I am not tested, I am not refined, and if I am not refined, I will be undeveloped. Or even nonprogressive. Yuck. Both of those words make my stomach turn. 🙂
In case you’d like to dig more into being refined, here is a blog you may be interested in- THE Refined WOMAN.
With Love,