We live in a noisy, distracting world. If you are going to be all and do all that God has created you to do, you must learn how to guard your mind. As long as we are living, we must know that attacks are inevitable. Enemies, distractions, negativity will all be present. We won’t be able to completely cut out all distractions, but we must learn how to guard our mind, while living in the midst of distractions.
Guard Your Mind: 3 Tips
1. Honesty
In order to guard your mind, you must be honest. You must be honest about how you feel, why you feel that way, and what triggered the feeling. Initially, you may not be able to answer all of the above questions, but you should start with question #1:
How do I feel?
This question starts the process of self-awareness that is needed to guard your mind. Feelings and thoughts are intricately connected. Taking the time to gain awareness into our feelings will assist us in understanding the attacks that we must stay on guard against.
We all have unique temperaments which make us vulnerable to unique attacks.
Honesty is a prerequisite for awareness, spiritual protection, and growth.
2. Humility
Humility is key and is necessary for honesty to take place. Without humility, we are unable to even be honest with God. This is self-sabotaging because God knows everything anyway, and He desires to help us. He already knows our struggles. We’re the ones in need of confession so that we can be positioned for forgiveness and cleansing [I John 1:9].
Humility allows us to be honest with God.
Honesty and humility go hand-in-hand, which lead us to tip #3:
3. Prayer
The ability and privilege of prayer, puts us in a position of carrying our requests to God. When we feel scatter-brained, down, unable to focus or think clearly, we must know where to go.
We must carry our issues to God in prayer.
It is easy to pray out of routine or even desperation, but we must grow to praying specifically. Specific prayers invite God to help us with our particular need. We must specifically ask God to guard our mind so that we can do His will. Daily, we encounter attacks and opposition, and often times the attack is upon our mind.
Our enemy knows that if he can get us thinking wrong, we will inevitably act and speak wrong, which will ultimately lead to self-sabotage. Satan works at the root. He can, and often does, attack us directly. Other times, however, he attacks our mind and then steps back and allow us to self-destruct.
This is why praying to God to guard your mind is essential. This provides the protection, discernment, and ability to get your mind on the right track.
Life is not easy. It can sometimes feel as though the fight is never-ending. As Christians, we are living in a spiritual battle, but we must never forget that we’re on the winning side. We cannot allow negativity and unhealthy thought patterns take all that we have in Christ.
What we have in Christ is eternal, unmatched, and is ours without question. Do not question the victory that has already been won for you. Don’t question the plans that God has for you. He has a good plan. Don’t allow the enemy to whisper lies of defeat, discouragement, or depression in your ear.
Guard your mind.
Consider these 3 tips: honesty, humility, and prayer to overcome the attack that rages against your mind. You can overcome. Through Christ, the victory is yours. Stand up, stand on His Word, stand strong.
Cast down every thought that doesn’t obey Christ [II Corinthians 10:5].
With love,