We have the wrong idea about change. We look at our lives and think that something is wrong with us. We look at the lives and others and again, think something is wrong with us. Many of the circumstances in our lives are there to help us grow. Once we accept that, a growth mindset, some call it; we must then realize that growth is not pretty.
Growth is a messy process. It’s messy because it reveals the worse in us. Challenges pull out what’s deep within and even then growth isn’t automatic. This is why people can experience the same tough situations, yet be affected very differently.
Growth requires intention.
In order to grow, you must be set on growing. Without intentionally focusing on growth, many take these common detours:
- blaming
- self-sabotaging
- sin
- self-loathing
These mindsets and behaviors significantly hinder growth. They hinder growth because they distort the situation, leading you to respond in an unhealthy way. If you constantly see someone else as the problem and blame others for your circumstances, it is likely that you are not accepting the growth opportunity that God is presenting you.
Growth requires humility.
In order to grow and change your life situation, humility is key. One must be humble to acknowledge, I have some issues. It takes humility to see situations accurately and objectively- free from distortion. Humility will allow you to accept the challenge, view yourself accurately, and then commit to the growth opportunity that’s presented.
Even when committing to this process, we will fall short. Why? No one’s perfect. Growth is not pretty. Despite our efforts to face opportunities and grow, we can never become cocky or prideful. As long as we are living, we are learning and growing. Actually, the more that we grow, the more difficult our challenges become.
With God, we don’t test out. We test up.
So, when you feel yourself being challenged, attacked, or oppressed; try not to lash out. Don’t be quick to fight or even label enemies. Instead, consider what God is trying to teach you. Ask yourself what about this issue is hard? Therein lies the growth opportunity.
Accept that growth is not pretty and allow yourself the space to grow. True, lasting growth is not easy. This is why so many people opt-out. They settle and take the detour to easy street. The street where nothing great is happening on, but they feel comfortable with themselves.
When I consider John 10:10 and consider all that Christ endured for me, I become determined to press on through the sinfulness of this flesh and grow into all that Christ created me to be. What a great price Christ paid for us to live free. With a great price comes a great reward.
No matter how hard it gets, don’t give up.
When it feels so hard and you feel like you’re falling so short, remember: growth is not pretty. Allow God to strengthen and guide you throughout the entire process. He’s able and so faithful. Don’t abort the process. Don’t allow Satan to kick up dust, wear you out, and cause you to stop.
Stay focused. Stay committed. Keep Christ #1. As we rely on Him, not only will He enable us to see the growth opportunities clearly, but He will also empower us to overcome. With Him, all we do is win. Yes, we must go through, we must grow, but we will win. He came that we might have life, and life more abundantly [John 10:10]. He did His part, now we have to do ours and grow.
With love,