Yesterday I finished a 15 page, 10 question exam. Today, I printed a 12 page study guide for a final exam that will cover everything we’ve covered this semester. As I’m completing another semester of grad school, I’ll share my perspective on graduate college vs. regular college:
- There’s a more complex admittance process. It’s not difficult, there’s just more to do. You have to apply, submit all transcripts, submit references, and take the GRE. The GRE is somewhat challenging (at least the math part for me), but it won’t dictate your acceptance. Some schools value it more than others. Prepare as much as you can and just do your best. The cool thing is that it’s multiple choice.
- There’s much more work! You can definitely expect more reading and writing at graduate college as opposed to undergraduate studies. The advantage is that you’ll be focusing solely on subjects that you care about which makes it more enjoyable. For example, I’m working on a master’s of science in communication and this semester I’m taking: Theories of Persuasion (which is very interesting), Research Methods (which is valuable, but demands a lot of time), and Adolescent Development (which is a minor course and very interesting). So, even though it’s more work it’s not extremely difficult.
You should definitely expect to read a lot in graduate school. For the adolescent course I’ve read 3 books in full at this point! Yes, 3 books were assigned for 1 semester. Additionally, expect to write a lot. That basically sums up graduate school. Read and write. Different material among the courses, but the process is the same.
- Lastly, there’s much less support. I must admit, my first week or so of graduate school was pretty frustrating. I emailed my research professor a paper in advance so he could give me feedback before it was due (because that’s what good students do, right?), but he wouldn’t give me feedback. He replied and told me if he can’t do it for everyone he couldn’t do it for me. I immediately initiated an email in response, but thankfully I didn’t send it. Once I calmed down, I got it. He can’t hold my hand. I have to trust myself and do my best.
I hope this provided you with some insight into graduate college vs. regular college. Reach out if needed. I’ll be happy to answer any other questions that you may have.

Read 2 Things College Does To Us: Speaking & Thinking