Goal-setting is an important aspect of progressing in life. When you have goals you have a clear picture of what you’re working toward. Goal-setting allows you to specifically determine what you want to achieve. Once you determine your goals, you have to stay committed to complete them.
5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals:
1. Keep Christ first.
It is imperative to not allow your goals to become your main thing. Christ must always be your #1 and as you keep Him #1, He has a way of blessing everything else. Set and complete your goals, but keep Christ #1.
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
– Joshua 1:8
2. Talk about your goals.
Talking about your goals with others provides an extra layer of accountability. This gives you more motivation to follow through on your goals. Have them to check-in on your progress as a way of keeping you focused. Certainly, be wise about who you share your goals with as not everyone should have insight on your dreams and goals.
3. Write your goals down.
Much research shows that if you write a goal down you are more likely to achieve it. Write it down and look at it often. Break large goals down into smaller chunks and check off your progress. Writing will keep you focused on where you are, where you desire to be, and what you have to do to get there.
4. Quiet time.
This is huge. There is so much going on around us that we tend to stay busy while accomplishing nothing. Don’t be fooled. Quiet time is so necessary to success. Get off Facebook for a while, jump off the hamper wheel, and get quiet. You need it quiet so you can effectively reflect, think, and envision what you want.
5. Manage your environment.
Our environment is affecting us much more than we tend to acknowledge! Here are a few sayings that I firmly believe:
- You are becoming like those who you spend the most time around.
- You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re hanging with chickens.
Your environment is either assisting you in moving forward in life, or it is holding you back from becoming who God created you to be. There is no in between. Assess and make the necessary changes so you can accomplish your goals. I admit, relational changes can be among the toughest decisions to make, but you have to ask yourself: What do I really want out of life?
Once you answer this question, goal-setting will help you bring it to reality. Set your goals & remain committed. It may not be easy but as they say:
Anything worth having won’t come easy.
You got this.

Read Stay Focused