Most of the time, our present doesn’t support us in reaching our dreams. We have to fight. We have to get to a point in life where we make the decision that we are going to go after our dreams at all costs.
You must make a decision that you will go after your dreams at all costs!
It’s important to stop, reflect, and prioritize in order to make effective decisions- Decisions that will move us forward.
I don’t believe in stopping. We should be progressive, producing, striving, increasing.
Sometimes none of our options seem great. We must think critically and make the less-worst decision. 🙂
I received my associate’s degree in May and had no intention of stopping. I knew I wanted to continue on to receive my bachelors, but life began to work against me.
In July, I was in a pretty bad car accident and as I write this today I am still without a car. I considered putting school on hold- but something wouldn’t let me.
On top of that, the school that I now attend is in another town. 30 minutes away. Thank goodness I live by faith and not by sight.
There’s more! My finances have been a mess! Using credit to rent cars so that I can get to school. I have to handle business. I don’t believe I’m supposed to just stop and give in to my circumstances.
Did I mention that I work 40 hours a week? Or that I’m taking 9 college credit hours? Or that I’m a single mom?
The point of this post is to encourage you. We all have barriers. Every single one of us has to OVERCOME in order to WIN. That’s the whole concept of winning. We prepare, decide, act, and overcome the opposition. Any opposition.
I’m in it to win it. I’m built to win.
You’re built to win. Do whatever is necessary and go after your dreams at all costs!
With love,

Read about the car accident here.