How do you handle change? Most of the time, we despise and avoid it. Why is that? What prevents us from being ok with change?
Being Ok With Change: 3 Tips
1. Walk in Faith
Walking in fear causes us to fear change. We’re afraid of what might be, what we might lose, or what we might experience due to change; however, what if we flipped this thinking around? What if we walked in anticipation of what good may come our way, what we might gain, or what this change could lead to?
We fear change because fear has taken root in our hearts. Instead of thinking and seeing possibilities, we only see negative or potential disasters. Fear causes us to see in black and white, while faith allows us to see in color! If we are to grow in how we relate to change, we must begin to walk in faith.
2. Reflect
Another way to grow in being ok with change is to take time to reflect. Reflect on past changes and how they blessed you and actually moved you closer to God’s plan for your life. We will get no where without change, and if we look back for just a moment we will be able to see how God has often changed our lives for the better.
If things are going to change in our lives, something has to change.
We so easily focus on the big picture of what we may be desiring in life without realizing that a big picture change requires many, many small changes. When I reflect over my life, I realize that I am where I am first off by the grace of God, and secondly due to change. Some were forced, some required a decision on my part, and some change occurred over time. Keeping God first allows you to remain anchored, grounded, and focused in the midst of change. Keeping Him first allows you to keep moving forward in faith, trusting Him to bring it all together. He will.
3. Hope
Life has a way of knocking the hope out of you, but regardless of the change, you must regain hope. I have found that there is only 1 way to gain and regain hope in this world:
Jesus Christ.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
– Hebrews 12:2
In order to be ok with change, we must: Walk in faith, Reflect, and Hope. When our hope is anchored in the Lord, we are able to withstand life, along with the many changes it will present. As we walk with Christ through life, He empowers us to view change through His perspective. As we yield to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, we are able to discern changes and what they represent in our lives.
Our assurance and security in life is not based on us always getting it right. Our assurance rests in God alone- His will and His Word. He promises to work all things for our good (Romans 8:28). So, no matter the change, in faith we can always say:
Come what may. It will be good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
With love & sincerity,

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