Before I go to bed, I want to share what’s on my mind at the moment. Here are 10 thoughts about life:
1. To reach success or destiny, you can’t give up. We all encounter obstacles. You have to be strong & press on.
2. Take the good with the bad and keep going. There is a time for everything.
3. Love people more than things. People are the most important part of living and the most valuable asset on earth.
4. Be grateful for what you have! No matter how much or little you have. Appreciate it. Take care of it. Don’t complain.
5. Remember that someone is going through a more severe struggle than you are. It can always be worse. Be thankful for your own problems. They are small compared to other problems in the world.
6. Talk to your kids. Teach them. Prepare them for life. Tell them to expect hard times. Build up their character by disciplining them. Encourage them to think and be responsible. Don’t give them too many things. Pray and help them discover why they are here. What’s their purpose? Tell them they can accomplish anything and that you will always support them. Our kids are a reflection of us.
7. Slow down. Life tries to speed us up and keep us busy. If we move too fast we miss important moments. We are exactly where we should be. Enjoy the moment and the people in it.
8. Acknowledge God. He created everything. He created us. Don’t take the credit for your successes. You could easily lose everything. We are not in control. No matter how much we want to be or even think that we are. 🙂
9. Recognize your weaknesses. It’s okay. We’re all humans. No one is perfect, although a lot of the time we expect perfection from ourselves and others. Face your weaknesses and don’t correlate them to your identity. We are all wonderfully made. Yes, even with our weaknesses.
10. Reflect! Reflect on the day as you end it. What did you accomplish? What could you have done better? What should you have done? Do you need to apologize for anything? Do you need to forgive anyone? How far have you come in the last year? How about the last 3 years? Learn from the past & use it to make tomorrow better.
Life has definitely moved me to a place of slowing down, re-focusing, and truly reflecting on myself, my faith, and what truly matters in life.
Which of these thoughts about life resonated with you?
Share your thoughts!

In the midst of a life storm? Read this.