Life,  Women

    Don’t Be Petty: Stay Focused

    We’re too easily distracted by issues that don’t even matter.  We have to grow to a place of realizing that some things are just not that important.  Don’t be petty.  Use your energy wisely, focusing on issues that really do matter. If we don’t grow beyond focusing on petty matters then unfortunately we won’t accomplish very much with our lives.  If we spend all of our time on petty issues how can we devote ourselves to worthy matters?  How can we live the lives that God has called us to live if we fuss and fight over insignificant issues? Don’t be petty. Overlooking petty issues requires maturity, patience, and spiritual…

  • learn to be content by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Learn To Be Content

    We always want more.  We’re always searching, working, and praying for something more.  We think to ourselves: If I had that then I’d be happy.  The truth is: Until we learn how to be content we will never be happy. Contentment must be learned and I’m learning that contentment is priceless.  When we are content we’re peaceful, joyful, thankful, and enjoyable.  When we aren’t, we’re irritable, we’re anxious, worried, and on edge.  We think it’s because of a circumstance or a situation, but really it’s us- we aren’t satisfied.  We’re the reason we’re not at rest.  We’re discontent.   We must learn to be content. “Not that I speak in respect of…

  • preparation precedes success by Margo Woodward
    College,  Life

    Preparation Precedes Success

    So often we strive for things that we aren’t even prepared for.  We think we want something, but we have no idea how to even handle it.  We should spend more time preparing ourselves than we do striving to get it. Preparation Precedes Success. The Lord has given me glimpses of things to come in my life, and at the same time He slowed me down, assuring me that I don’t have to strive to try and make it all happen.   Instead of striving, we must focus on bettering ourselves today so we will be prepared to handle what will come tomorrow.  So often we overlook the needs of today…

  • Tame the Flesh & Walk in the Spirit by Margo Woodward

    Tame the Flesh & Walk in the Spirit

    It is very possible for us to be saved and going to heaven, yet be very fleshly as we walk this earth.  It’s imperative for us all to tame the flesh & walk in the Spirit.  As I’m reading Galatians this morning, I’m humbled at the Word of God.  Galatians is dealing with the issue of believers feeling as though they are justified through the law.  As believers of Christ we must know that we are not made perfect, nor are we righteous, because of our ability to keep the law. The Lord is certainly growing me in the knowledge of His grace and I’m in awe as I understand…

  • whats your agenda by Margo Woodward

    What’s Your Agenda?

    All around us people have hidden agendas.  I’m not solely pointing the finger because we all have to be watchful to ensure that we’re not operating with hidden agendas.  We have to be intentional to keep our hearts pure or else we’ll be operating with agendas that we’re not even aware of. For instance, if a person has a control issue then they will very often be operating from a place of control- though not intentionally.  Controlling others is in their heart so that will often drive what they do, even without them consciously making a decision to control others.  So, the person who has unresolved control issues in their…

  • You Are Stopping You by Margo Woodward

    You Are Stopping You

    Do you often wonder why you’re not where you’d like to be in life? Wonder if you’ll ever live the life of your dreams?  Well, I’m realizing that we are the reason why.  We often stand in the way of a better life for ourselves. You are stopping you. We are the reason we are where we are in life.  Remember on my birthday when I wrote Less of me, more of Him?  Well, every since then the Lord has been doing a work on me.  It’s been a work like no other.   One example: The other day the Lord was showing me something about myself and it really…

  • His Grace Is Enough by Margo Woodward

    His Grace Is Enough: His Ways Are Not Our Ways

    Sometimes Christ’s perfection can be disheartening.  The longer you walk with Him, study Him, and learn His ways, you stand in awe at His perfection.  Then, when you look at yourself, your ways, and your thoughts you feel as though you’ll never measure up.  You wonder: Why am I still struggling with this? His Grace Is Enough. The Bible is filled with imperfect people that God chose to use in spite of their failures.  Recently, I was reminded of Moses who committed murder and was still greatly used by God!  Think about that… Murder?  Really God? His Ways Are Not Our Ways. Last night while reading I read this, written…